How do I get started?

Getting started is easy, simply contact us by phone (1-855-560-1234 or email to

After a short consultation we will supply you with everything required to interview with one of our specialists.

How do I do my appointment?

All appointments are done via telemedicine. This allows us to help people nationwide.

Why do I need a medical licence?

A Health Canada license is required if you have chosen to grow your own plants and need the ability to grow and possess higher numbers than is allowed under our recreational cannabis laws.  Recreational laws allow 4 plants per household, 30 grams for possession, at any one time. Under Health Canada licensing you can possess 150 grams at any one time and given the ability to grow higher numbers of plants with unlimited storage.  This gives you the flexibility to grow several different strains for example, as well as giving you enough plant material for various forms of processing.

What’s the difference between this company and others (Why choose Cannabis Clinic Canada/LBPS)?

Our company has been around for over 10 years, we are all extremely versed in the regulations specified by Health Canada and our Specialists are highly respected and sought after in not only the Medical Marijuana field but all types of pain management.

How long does it take to get an appointment? 

Once your patient application has been received and complete, we will schedule your appointment within 1-3 business days.

Is this legal?

Yes, Canadian Citizens have been able to get a legal prescription for Medical Cannabis since the early 2000s. Learn More

Can you help with the Health Canada paperwork?

Yes, we are proud to be one of the only companies that do assist our patients with the applications for Health Canada.  

Is this a scam?

We understand your concern.  We have been in business for 12 years and would not have been able to do so if we were not legitimate.  Over the years we have assisted well over 15,000 patients and continue to attract patients that need assistance finding a physician that prescribes medical cannabis.

How many plants can I grow?

The number of plants you can grow is based on the number of grams you receive from the physician and which growing choice you choose. The 3 choices are indoor, outdoor and indoor/outdoor.

For example if you receive a prescription for 50 grams a day you can grow a maximum of – 244 plants indoors, 95 plants outdoors, or 183 indoor and 48 outdoor.

How long is my license good for?

All prescriptions through our company, from our Specialists, are good for 12 months (the maximum amount).